Choosing the Best SEO Plugin for WordPress

In WordPress, almost everything comes with a specific plugin, and the rule stands for SEO as well. It can be really hard for a beginner to sift through the thousands of plugins available for WordPress SEO.

The good news is, you don’t have to get a different plugin for every single SEO task. To the contrary, we can help you decide on an SEO plugin for WordPress that not only covers everything of importance, but that’s also completely free to you.

The time for choosing the best SEO plugin for WordPress has come, and if you’ve researched very far at all, you’ll already know about the two most frequently used plugins for the task: All in One SEO Pack and Yoast SEO.

Both of these plugins do an excellent job at covering your SEO needs, and you can find a comparison of the good vs. the bad in “Yoast SEO vs All in One SEO Pack”.

For our purposes, we will assume the use of Yoast for examples and screenshots.

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